Maximize Your Social Security & Minimize Your Taxes in Retirement
As you approach retirement, deciding when and how to claim your Social Security benefits can be confusing and even overwhelming. This course will help you gain a clearer understanding of the options you have and the strategies you should consider BEFORE filing for your benefits. It will also teach you how to take an important aerial view of your retirement plan, by exploring how Social Security works in coordination with your other retirement assets. Prudent management of your Taxes in retirement requires several specific strategies. You'll also need to understand the most recent changes to the Tax Code, and how those changes could affect your tax liabilities.
We'll answer the following questions - and more.
How could the decisions of the new administration affect my benefits?
How much lifetime income do I stand to lose by filing for Social Security at the wrong time?
How can I get the largest benefit while paying the least amount of taxes?
Which rules and regulations must I understand before deciding when to start my benefits?
How are my benefits affected if I'm still working?
How can Social Security work with the other income sources to provide the most secure retirement possible?
Register online:
Register by Phone: 248-565-3672 Course Code - STPPSC1116
This workshop is strictly educational; no products will be sold or endorsed at the class. The Council of Financial Educators (COFE) is not associated with the Social Security Administration or any other government agency.